Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Said bin Zaid RA - The Best of Sahabah

Sa'id bin Zaid RA 
 As Sabiqun Al Awwalun - Abu-al-Aawar, Blessed Companion, Disciple of Muhammad His father Zaid bins 'Amr RA was one of the very few Quraish who did neither believed in nor practiced idolatry - the religion of the Quraish; before the advent of Islam. Before Islam, Arabs often buried their girl children alive. Zaid bin 'Amr RA was one of the first people to oppose that barbaric tradition. He had saved and raised many girls who were about to be buried alive by their families. Zaid bin 'Amr RA never participated in the celebrations of various gods and goddesses that were worshipped by the Quraish and other Arab tribes. He traveled widely in search of the True religion of Allah (God). He used to practice the religion of Ibrahim AS (Abraham). The Quraish used to harass him for his religious beliefs including his brother Khattab bin 'Amr. He used to tell people that he was waiting for a Messenger of Allah (God) to come among the descendants of Isma'il AS (Ishmael), but he was murdered five years before Allah (God) chose Muhammad SAW His final Rasul (Messenger). He was buried near Mount Hira, where Allah (God) sent His first Wahi (Message from Allah) to Muhammad SAW.